If I took your photo on Mt Pleasant you should copy them from the blog (it retains a higher resolution pic)
Kookie (my pup) has a facebook page you can message me there if u need anything. https://www.facebook.com/princespuppydog/
Our Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/buddynpups/
2021 blog here https://mtp-2021.blogspot.com/
09/30 If I get my work out in, Kookie n me will go for pics..
I saw these guys with their pups n asked em for some pics.. wish it would have been later so the sky was darker but..
They said they moved here and discovered Mt. P. I got a good one with the girls face but her pup turned in the other part of her face was covered, but they turned out pretty good.
I cropped a bunch to fill the frame mostly with them :)
I saw this family sitting on the rocks n talked em in moving to where the rail was low.. then cropped a bunch n worked on it a bit.
I got a couple of these guys but the sky was drab, by getting down low and tilting the camera up, it brought good color saturation
Next I saw em talking to a couple pals n so I got a pic of all of them together.. before leaving some more came but I thought hmmm won't bug em again
The fair is coming ... some of you guys come from a distance just to sit on our magic mountain but the fall is so colorful.
If you come, check out the weather forecast to find a good day (Sunday is the 'free' day)
The fairgrounds are just below Mt. Pleasant .. you can walk around the fair n do that and toward sunset come up for photos .. Fair -- October 10-16, 2021
Pic a while back n this is PuppyDog, Kookie later.
It is fun to think about walking around n mingling with others but no dogs allowed 😏
Had to get help dropping off the Liberty to get spruced up, sent a computer back got Kookie an ice cream cone at Micky Dees . and did some Walmart stuff.. too late to start my exercises so took a power nap n off to Mt P we went :)
I spotted some prey for my photo safari but didn't get to em n then our FB pal came up with her Pup.
The sky kind of milky bland I took a couple of it first then Christina posed for me.. I about lost the sun so with my time machine the sunsetting n the pic I liked best of these guys :)
Columbus, I told em to come back down around fair time #risingpark
The sky was golden on the way to town, I goofed off too long and just made it up after the sun went down...but
Saw these guys out on the first rock.. with out flash the exposure takes too long and I am too shaky .. used flash it washed out the foreground but it is a candid of these pals
Had to delete the first two pics of these guys 😏 but the sky was great. I told em about using the flash.. I think people don't pay much attention
On the way down I saw some others coming up, I was tempted to tell them how to take pics using their flash... but
I have seen lots of crazy things taking pics .. I had an idea that could share em with people who should see em .. suppose being there when the little girl fell is the time that sticks with me the most #risingpark
These guys were having a picnic and the girl knew me from seeing pics I have taken.. so that made it easy
Wish there were more park dwellers .. no pets for Kookie 😔
Got home and couldn't get the pics from the camera, one of my worst thoughts .. people I took pics thinking I am a fibber... happened once.. #risingpark
Kookie was out of dog food n milkbones, so didn't finish the last part of my exercise n off to Krogers.. was gonna come home but the devil made us go to the park.. to capture another sunset
I spotted a bunch of kids dressed up n had to capture a couple pics for show n tell.. didn't let Kookie get to close .. so I photoshopped her closer.. matching purple with these guys :)
I forgot to fill her water bucket.. I saw people doing pics on the gazebo and knew how they would turn out, was gonna tell em the magic flash trick.. but they were talking.. n had to make it before sunset.
There was a couple guys I had taken pics of before that tells people who I am :)
Picnic Girl
I am glad these guys hung around most of the time I don't get chances to capture a good shot like this one :)
Then they came down n I did a night shot with the magic sky
I saw a mom n her two kids getting ready to head back and showed me the magic of fill in flash.. worked pretty good on her phone camera..

Getting ready to head down the path n saw some guys out on the rock.. our last capture of the night.
If you are into Yoga I met a couple instructors who have classes on Mt. P. They have some free classes :) https://www.mtpyoga.com/
Just pics till tomorrow then my thoughts
Coming up the trail, I saw all kind of potentials to capture in my photo safari.. I did 3 of these guys n the boy kept looking away but an ok pic
First I captured these guys with the city below then asked em to stand up so I could get the sky in the background #risingpark
I took a couple of these guys, n then had the guy take off his sunglasses.. eyes better then reflections :) #risingpark
When I saw these guys I had a thought .. on the way in I passed the skyview.. n here people bring their friends n families to watch the sky :)
N they gave Kookie a piece of pizza too.
If they find this page here is one I forgot last night .. candid shot .. far away so cropped to include the important content #risingpark
I know if I brought my kids on Mt. P. I would like to have a pic with em #risingpark
I did a few with these guys.. must not have got em all off the computer.. I worked removing the reflection from their glasses n had the sky in the background.. tomorrow if I remember #risingpark
Reflections all over the place.. avoided it a bit by having em look up at the sky for flying saucers
Looked like a couple pals .. n asked em for a pic #risingpark
Forgot to flip up the flash so this was a silhouette so I doodled with it .. #risingpark
Pretty good shot :) #risingpark
Getting ready to head down the trail n saw a group.. just these guys jumped n front of my camera.. well kind of :)
Ready to go down the trail n saw these guys sitting n asked em for a pic came out pretty nice just cropped it to fill the frame up with them #risingpark
Down the bank we started n these guys wanted to give Kookie some pets ... our last pic of the night #risingpark
Loading the new computer for hours...
I looked out the window through the trees last night n saw a sunset I missed, so tonight... didn't finish the work out but off to town me n Kookie went. We got there a bit late n saw a fb pal n her pup n a yoga girl.. who got a super nice pic.. wished I took it but..
Sometimes they have free yoga classes here.. Kriss n Ryan. You can find em here https://lmtpyoga.blogspot.com/
After seeking the fb pals at the top of Mt P on the edge I asked these guys for a pic ..
These guys were sitting down, took a pic like that but just the ground was n the background so I asked em to stand up
Thought this was a good candid pic so I took it n then told him, when I came back there was a girl with em so I got a pic of both together #risingpark
The sky wasn't just right.. a little early but the magic of flash n I got him to experiment with a flash n no flash pic
Kookie made another pal :)
These guys had remote cars .. willing models , there was a reflection on her glasses and I told her about the old bullet story .. #risingpark
She wanted a silhouette .. I took two but this was the bestus #risingpark
Getting old n shaky I need the tripod to get a good night shot with out the blur.. but the colors were great. #risingpark
The guy I took the candid of him sitting looking at his camera n when I came back he had two friends :)
I didn't know what to make of this, on the way down it was really dark n no one around Hmmmm ?
No reason to go to town tonight cept I wanna spend less time in the cave n hoped to get some pets for Kookie.
I avoided getting reflections from glasses. The sky was drab but got some with the fairground below at post 32
Almost missed this one, hope I copied the best ones here.
Used my super flash The camera flash was not strong enough at a distance I was back pretty far n used the teley
At first he said he might be there with a married woman , then I told him I have been here with such couples, one guy said he had a warrent on him and I have taken pics of a group of girls from jail and another time a group of guys from a prison on a field trip :) #risingpark.
Lots of time I see a group sitting around, it is a nice experience but when I get to take a pic of all of em.. I figure it is a pic they will have for show n tell
First shot of these guys were here so I got a pic of them as they were looking out over our turf then had em turn so their face could be visible #risingpark.
Thinking these guys were local pups from their shirts. The sun was in a mist at times.. #risingpark
I like hair flying in the wind.. took two of these guys. The girl in front had her eyes closed in one shot. The girl in back had her face covered with the girl's hair in the other, so I removed the head from pic and pasted it on the other :) #risingpark
The sun was pretty nice when I first came up n these guys were taking pics.. watching it then I had em look toward the camera #risingpark.
Left Kookie's sample off at the vet, did a Kroger Pickup n off to Mt P for pics.
I took this with the 300mm from the fairgrounds
Saw these guys gazing over our turf n got a candid n then asked em to turn so their face was visible.. #risingpark
I worked on this one a bit, I think I got a better pic for them with their camera but can't see lcd screens ... just point #risingpark
Saw this guy getting his pic taken but they didnt use flash so I did this one #risingpark
Just took a couple pics of these guys.. #risingpark
Reflection off the glasses so I had em turn their head just a bit and the reflection bounced in a different direction #risingpark
These guys asked some others to take their pic... I didn't figure it would turn out great because they were far away, weak phone flash and the spot lights on the ground causing lenses flare so I moved far as I could to point away from the lights... it came out ok :) #risingpark
I asked em to come up so the hand rail was out of the pic and the colorful sky was in back of em.
For you guys with a regular camera there is an option called slow flash, it allows the background a little longer exposure before the flash comes on.. try it.
I keep telling myself I won't go up any more.. my knee really hurts gut seeing the orange sky through the trees last night n great pics of others here.. Maybe stop when I am 80.
Doing time lapse of the park dwellers on Mt Pleasant.
Hearing the other lawn mowers growl all summer, I did mow my grass once in the spring.. then on Sept 1st.
My grass is as short as those who mowed many times.. n less air pollution :)
The sky was a bit drab put I set up the timelapse to capture a typical me n Kookie here.
There was one family out of range I saw em taking turns doing their pic and I got to include all of them.. I think it was a special event for them.. n they thanked me... if only I could see all pics I have taken with others cameras.. really cant see lcd.. just point n get a blurry image in the frame.
Thanks to all those who let me play photography in the last years n special thanks to all who gave my pups pets :)
There are so many more I think of to create a master piece :) but my knee hurts.. hard to make it up and have less gumption ...
If you come from very far, check the weather forecast first and come up about an hour before sunset.
If you are with friends ask someone to take a few of all of you together.
If you see a group doing pics ask em if they would like a pic of all of em together.
Take multiple shots, one will be better than the rest
Lancaster Ohio, Mt. Pleasant, Rising Park, PuppyDog, Kookie, dogs ...
Just a time lapse clip of people on mt p .. not great just a story.
The weather looked ok, so me n Kookie went to capture some park dwellers of our blog.
I never know what hand signs mean .. hmmm these are the first batch of guys for our catch
I took pics for a couple people.. caught that on time lapse it will take a while to get to that. This pumpkin let me play photographer a bit. Nice even lighting :)
They wanted a pic together, I forgot to turn the flash on this one, so I worked on an enhanced silhouette #risingpark
I got down low to put some color in the drab sky.
Holding the camera .. the sky was kind of grey but did the low angle tech
The girl wanted a pic with Kookie. I did several but finally got a good one :)
I saw these guys leaving.. didn't see them get any good pics together so I took a couple for em. #risingpark
She gave Kookie some goodies but I waited till I got home to mix em with some dog food to make em lost a bit longer
Time lapse pic not sharp but cute story
A girl gave Kookie some of her chips, but I saved em and put them in her dog food to make em last a bit longer.
Me n Kookie survived another month. Had to get some pills so after the dungeon off we went. Almost too late..
Didn't take a good camera.. I saw a couple people out on the rock n asked em if they wanted to do a pic with their camera.. the girl said they didn't have one, then said she tells people I am not as scary as I look.. :)
Just about then a guy came up the hill n said hi Buddy .. guess I took his pic before and did once more before leaving.
I had my old camera and couldn't see the settings but moved the dial and found SL flash, I forgot about that and will experiment next time I go up.
I did get some nice pics of 3 other bunches with their phone cameras n they really liked em :) #risingpark
Some girls were giving Kookie pets but I couldn't do a pic after dark with this camera.. but wanted a pic of her, so when I got to the truck n put her in back, I took this fuzzy pic of her sticking her head through the back window in the truck.
Tomorrow 9/2 looks great, hope we get stuff done n make it in.