I dropped the abstract pic on the park guy's porch. Didn't knock but left a note on the box. Hope they find a good home for it .
Goofed off too long last night n didn't get my pills so I went back today.. they said it would take more than an hour b4 they were ready.. so out to Mt. P. for a couple pics.
These guys were up higher with the sky behind em, I knew it would be a fuzzy pic so I talked em to come down :) #risingpark
Did it again for a bit of different angle .. not bad #risingpark
Only pics I got on top was these guys.. the sky was drab so I got up a bit higher so I could look down include flash n capture the city below.
Native Americans in the fairgrounds I think. When they started beating the drums me n Kookie fled n case they were going on the war path :)
Should have went over to capture some pics but didn't wanna miss the pill pickup again #risingpark
Last summer during the virus a kid came n visited me. Of course I was not prepared for visitors. I don't see anyone for days sometimes n get no visitors.
He brought a pic I took of us by the old fire tower and we developed and printed it in my dark room.
Not faded or cracked..
He reminded me of the time I let him use my brand new 71 Challenger to take his girlfriend to the prom .. bringing up fun things of the past.. was nice.. of course I run out of stuff to say before too long.
I had some enlargements made and took one out to him today.
He took me around their property where I welded pipes for em n took a pic I didn't get. He said it was 50 years ago that I took his prom pics.
I turned the contrast a bit to make the sky colors pop
Didn't think I would capture any people pics but thee guys were froggy so I dabbled with it. Note the white sky vs ... #risingpark
Here is a cute pumpkin I did my sky lighting theory on. came out pretty nice #risingpark
Lights on #risingpark
The last pups I took a pic of #risingpark
Kookie attack :) #risingpark
I really need a tripod to capture the lit up mt.. On the right you can make out a couple #risingpark
Top pic, so many times I have seen the sky colorful but when I take the pic it is drab like this But if I get lower and tilt the camera up, I get a sky like the lower pic #risingpark
I have lots of comments about tonight's photo safari but I am tied n stuff to do.. so tomorrow ...
Ok tomorrow it is, took Kookie out, had coffee n so...
Sometimes I go to the park n only get one or two pics thinking ugh and other times, multiple
On the way up the trail I saw these guys and they had a nice little polaroid camera I took their pic with n of course wanted to capture a pic with Kookie :)
I thought a girl n her pup... talking on her phone so I didnt do a couple
I like the pics with the houses below or the city in the background. A bit hazy but pointing the camera down.. came out ok #risingpark
I love pics of pups n their people so I ask these guys.. I know how to get their attention.. only took one but it is a pic of both of em.. standing behind the rock made em about the right height with pups in front #risingpark

When the sky is hazy it is often bland.. thinking of the pics I get with a drab sky and noticed if I tilt the camera up a bit, sometimes I can bring out a bit of color..
This guy had a walking stick, thought it would be a good pic but he dropped it when I did the pic . With my camera the sun actually does not appear unless I change the camera tilt.
This guy was playing on the rocks and asked if he could pet Kookie. I did that after asking his mom and a bit later and wanted a pic with her :)
I tied Kookie up short, told him to get back out of her reach and when I said, come up close b4 she noticed... I took two n got a good one.
He said he thought I took their pic b4 and I told em if I did it is on one of my web pages.. thought I gave his mom one of my cards... didn't so I did #risingpark
I took two pics of these guys... first one not great but I really liked this one.. on the north end on the lower rocks :) #risingpark
Classic pic in the last generations, sitting on Mt. P. looking at a phone .
I told him I took it n he said it was ok to post and later asked me where he could see it.. card ...#risingpark
I found I can get great pics after the sun sets. Right after the sky is drab but a little later it gets colorful (sometimes)
Before asking the next batch of kids for a pic I waited and experimented ok Kookie to get the right settings.
I saw a mom (I think or big sister) n a bunch of girls I wanted to get a pic with all of em in it.. but... I saw em taking pics n wanted em to experiment with flash ... but :(
One mom I took a pic of told me I took her daughter's pic in 2011. I gave her a card where she could copy her pic and she said I used to have a website called buddybeep.
I forgot all about that and tried to find it but it does not exist. I am guessing I have taken over 8,000 pics since I started coming to get pets n photos.
I wonder how many pics I have taken of people with their cameras and how many photos existed on lost blogs ?
Cept being in their mom's belly the youngest I have taking pics of was when I saw a guy taking a pic of his wife and their new baby.
Just out of the hospital, instead of going home they came to the park. When I saw him taking a pic of his family, I asked him if I could take a pic of all of them with their camera... :)
Hocking Hills is great... but further
These pals were out on the edge n I asked em to come up on the bank to avoid the hand rail, capture the city lights and sky.. worked out pretty nice #risingpark
The last batch of pups before walking down the trail. I had to ask em to change positions .. eyes closed in one shot, one girl partially behind in another shot.. 4 pics and one good one.
I often suggest to people to take a pic of one of em with then with out flash and compare. They seldom do but these girls did and saw the magic #risingpark
Finished the workout.. was gonna just watch TV but the sun looked nice.. so to town we went.
A new park dweller came over to pet Kookie n started talking ... me talking to soooooo many people ..
Guess lots went to the art walk down town .. so I watched the sky morph n some park dwellers came up.. saw these guys n did a candid.
This girl came up n started petting Kookie, I warned her but :)
I saw some other potential victims to take pics of but kept talking n lost the sun .. but I did stop n take a pic of someone when I saw em put their phone on the ground n try to take a pic
As soon as we pulled in, there was a close parking place n Kookie wanted to help these girls pick up stuff n plant flowers :)
The news reported the fire smoke from Canada would make the sky glow orange.. so off to the park, imagining a beautiful sky ... ugh... tricked
The sky was bland n sun dark red but it didnt show up in my camera ??? I think this guy was taking pics of the guy taking pics
I like to capture picnics n these guys said ok #risingpark
The sky not great n I tried to eliminate as much background as possible, pretty nice shot of their faces #risingpark
These guys gave Kookie some pets as soon as we got out of the Jeep, then I saw em again and did this pic.. didnt want the foggy city background.#risingpark
Saw em doing a selfie n thought it was a cool shot :) #risingpark
When park dwellers give Kookie pets, I always want to capture pics of em.. first a classic pic of pups sitting on the cliff gazing over the city then their faces #risingpark
If you dont zoom in too close.. this pic saved me. I took 3 shots and added flash for color saturation.
Using photoshop I remove the reflection from the glasses.
In one of the pic the girl was squinting. In the other good pic one of the guys closed his eyes
With pshop I replaced one of the faces :)
Did a candid of these pups first ... #risingpark
After the candid shot, I did a couple so their faces could be seen... getting higher so the city below was visible.
I also did a couple pics for others with their cameras and told em about fill n flash.
Was gonna get a pic with Kookie n she slimed me
Finished in the dungon and saw it would be a decent day so me n Kookie went on a photo safari.
We stopped at the fairgrounds for a pit stop and took a pic of Mt. P. so if u were up there tonight u can copy n tag yourselves n this one.
In the parking lot we saw two girls pull out n their jeep so we asked em to stop till we got a shot.
I know no one listens to me but repeat the flash lesson over n over. If your model is in a bit of shade and the background is brighter.. u gotta use fill n flash. Phone camera flash not very powerful #risingpark
Saw these guys n did a candid shot then asked em for a posed pic #risingpark
Saw this guy n his little dog n positioned em for this shot.. hazy background today :( #risingpark
Thought I deleted this pic by mistake but found it .. whew.
I did crop it to take out most of the hazy sky .. not too bad :)
I did some pics of other pups with their camera these guys too but did this one with my camera #risingpark
A special occasion today. I wanted to be sure to get some good pics so I gave my cards to people on top and asked em to take candid pics... don't know if any of em did.
Penni's mom not good at hop scotch any more so "Mike Tharp" the park guy drove em up to the top
. #risingpark
Wasn't easy but the kids helped their mom get to the edge for the last time
So overcast, I couldn't get a great pic.. but there they are.. on top of Mt. P. :)
Wanted to get Kookie in the pic with out any attacks. A little bit before they got there, a little girl n her dad came by and I took a pic of them with their camera n Kookie got some pets :)
Doing the with and with out fill in flash experiment
Penni, her mom, the reporter guy n Mike the park super.
After I took it I noticed a kind of plant frame around the pic.
Penni's mom in red above and in the middle below ...
Much pshop needed Penni holding her phone with a pic of Courtney.. real.. sunset ... well :)
A bit of haze the background not sharp.. but this pic tells a story
Before leaving I asked em to take a pic under the shade.. avoid squinting n stuff .. at a good time because a cloud diffused the light.. avoiding cobweb shadows
I had to go back in town to pick up some Kroger stuff but the clouds were scary. I asked the Kroger girl to look at the radar map on her phone (mine only has talk)
She told me.. there was supposed to be high wind n a thunderstorm .. so we hurried home
These guys were super friendly .. recruiting for some church I think :)
Waiting on the crew I took their pic.
Kookie out of dog food n I needed to get some stuff to battle the carpenter bees, so after finishing in the dungeon off to walmart n of course a pit stop at Mt. Pleasant on the way back.
First I saw a couple pups having lunch n gave em one of my 'business cards' thinking I might take their pic in a bit.
These were the first couple that let me add em to my album. The other pic turning this way.. sun n their eyes.
Seeing my pal Ryaan likes this tree... well people n kids have been taking their pic here for decades #risingpark
While I didn't capture a great shot, it is a classic Kookie pic getting pets :)
Pics when the atmosphere is not dry, note how green things are near and how bland they are in a distance.
These are the guys I first asked for a pic. I saw em rolling around on the rail but wasn't quick enough to capture em.. but this is a nice candid shot.
I asked em to go to post 32 where I can be higher and the fairgrounds visible below.
In the pic there was something on the shirt so I used the clone brush to remove it.
Only thing wrong with this pic, the girl didn't have a Michigan shirt on :)
I asked two other kids for a pic just as I was leaving, but they weren't froggy. (trying to think of all the pics I have taken in a decade)
Kookie posing for a beauty shot. Of course I never wanna come home. It was early and wanted to walk back up.. but :(
When we came down, this white Jeep had parked beside Kookie's Jeep
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