Last June pic.. Kookie kept looking every direction n I finally captured this one.
Haven't been swimming, bike riding or to the skyview this year.. but finally captured a lighting bug when I got home.
Overcast but I think I talked these guys into taking a drone pic of us.. IF they send it #risingpark
No sunset tonight but these guys let me add em to my album... told em about the ricochet principal .. if you shoot directly into a wall the bullet might bounce back n get you, but if a bit of an angle... The glasses had a reflection the first time so I had her turn her head so slightly n no bouncy n then they gave Kookie some pets :) #risingpark
Before leaving I asked these guys for a pic. Good thing I took multiple to get one good one :) #risingpark
Today I went to take pics of someone I actually know. I took lots of pics because she is moving to Virginia Beach and she has been one of my special pals in the last years.
A story about Penni https://pennisaward.blogspot.com/

Most of the time I just take random pics of people where they are and hope they r still on top when I make it up
How far away was I with out the teley.. Penni is the little dot above the 3rd spotlight on the right
After Penni, I saw these guys n asked em for a pic
Next morning.. Penni had some kids take our pic. I wasn't too froggy then, but I am glad now :)
My head is not this big and no stylist gave me a doo, riding to town with the top off the jeep puffed it up.
Out on the rock at this time was just right, no shadows n no squinting.. Kookie in the background :)
Took Kookie to the vet, went to Kroger then back to town to get some pills.. so
I took a couple pics for others with their camera, Set the camera on the post and took one of me n Kookie. Made it square for a profile pic.
Just before coming home I saw this spot where I wanted to capture a pic of someone for a while.. so I waited till I saw a couple n asked em for a pic :)
Did all my exercises n wasn't gonna go to town but it was my bd n so away me n Kookie went.
Tried to get a pic b4 we left but.. looked too much like me :)
Amazon had a gift card from my pups. I usually watch Perry Mason and roll out of the sack. Just as it was over I flipped the channel to Father knows best as it was going off and they were singing Happy Birthday Betty this girl :)
The trouble with living so long, seeing the dream girls vanish ..
Also Instagram sent me a present.. well for the first time I could post to Instagram from my desktop :)
Gotta take Kookie to the vet in the morning so I will zip through this...
Saw this scene I like to get a candid shot first then take a pic so people's faces are visible.
Pups being pals :)
Saw this girl n asked for a shot.. later I saw her with her pals.. would have been a better pic but..#risingpark
The shot on the north end only works well during certain months and at sunset. Bingo this was just right
Clouds made the sky drab but this shot worked out ok.. one of em a bit of sunflare but not bad
The sky was pretty nifty
These guys had a film camera, I couldn't see to focus it but the girl lined the shot up and I took it.
Seems like I took their pic b4 ?
The sun barley peeking through the clouds n I captured a nice shot of these pumpkins faces #risingpark
FB pal taking a pic of the sky :)
Being my BD I wanted to get a pic of me n Kookie to prove we were still kicking. Me n Kookie takes turn wearing our rising park shirt :)
Getting pets #risingpark
Trying the tight rope but not ready to walk over the grand canyon yet
A typical scene of people on Mt P at sunset with effects and the sky as it was taken
The last kids I captured before heading down the path. Out on the rock, dark so I didn't get too froggy.
This guy wanted to get a pic with Kookie but didnt wanna get too close :)
One of these guys said I took his pic before so I asked to get a pic of all of em.
Saw several clusters of couples n tried to guess who might be froggy :)
No sunset but the dull sunlight put an nice glow on em.
These guys were spread too far apart to get a good mug shot, but a stamp in the time of their lives
I got to do a pic of these guys with their phone camera then them giving Kookie pets with my camera. :)
Couldn't find my card to give em.. duh had em in my pocket.
Me n Kookie made a wasted trip to the drug store but it was an excuse to go to Mt. P
Before leaving I took one of the last pics of my orbit. Saw my new drivers license .. ugh it looks like me.. but I am still kicking :)
Supposed to do Kookies vet stuff today but we have to go back next week.. so over to the park we went. Saw this woman with a hand full of pups :)
This one needs contrast added a bit but a good shot
I saw a guy n his two boys. I wanted to get the city in the background.. but this time of day I knew the shadows n brightness .. but a pic with your dad :)
I remember when I was little n went to the fair with my dad and he got a pic of us and one of him with glasses and a big nose. I had that pic for years
I took a pic of these guys with their camera and when they gave Kookie pets, I kept for my blog :)
Went back later and told these guys about facing the sun when it was going down and dim, even lighting no squinting.
The clouds dancing in front of the sun and later turned into a pink night. I knew it was going to be great. I saw a bunch of people I was tempted to ask.. but
I did tell one guy about using the flash on his fancy camera.
Practicing on Kookie
On the way down it was getting kind of dark. I saw girls taking pics of each other.. no flash about 15' and got then to try the fill in flash trick
Had to get Kookie's pills so we went to the park after. These guys were having a tree climbing adventure . I waited and asked to get a pic of all of em
These guys brought their lounge chairs :)
When I passed these guys the girl said she knew me from Instagram .. they came back up and I got em to come over to post 32
The sky was a bit drab so I moved the camera down to avoid it and used fill in flash.
These guys sitting back on the rock .. n I thought I would ask em for a pic. .. Note in solid shade and no cob web shadows #risingpark
Was gonna go home and remembered I told a couple girls I would come back when the sun was dimmer so I drove over and took a pic of Mt. P then went back.
Kookie was not too froggy #risingpark
Still too bright when I got back but I wanted to do a hammock pic then go to my favorite place. #risingpark
Back to post 32, my favorite spot to capture the fairgrounds below.. me standing higher on a rock #risingpark
On the way down.. two more pups let me take their pic #risingpark
I am glad I went back the second time. On the way down I saw TheMick n SideKick n Pumpkins. A guy works, comes home n has the stuffing's to take his family up the trail :)
Taking Kookie to the vet in the morning.. supposed to be clear and cool. It will be the chance to capture the skyline with little haze.
I saw these guys out on the rock n asked em for a pic. I wanted the orange glow of the sun to fall on em but my shadow.. I couldn't move back but got in a position where the shadow was not on their face.
I think it is a great pic of a couple of pals :)
#rising park
The next move was to turn em so the city below was visible. I used the flash to erase the shadow.. a bit too bright but Kookie was lose n so I got her back off the rock
#rising park
Safer here n I got a pic of these guys n their pup :)
#rising park
Saw these girls n asked em if they were drinking beer :)
They let me do a picnic pic first.
Later when the two guys came back by I thought of introducing em.. a couple cool guys n a couple cute girls
A fun thought that pops in my noggin :)
#rising park
A bit of experimenting to get the light right and just caught the sun setting
#rising park
I heard other mowers growing for weeks. Just got the mower back and the first time I cut grass this year.. as short as the others mowed weeks ahead.
Did my laundry, did my workout then saw it was getting late, I was tired but after a coffee and in the Jeep I was revived.
#rising park
Kookie getting pets .. happy puppy. A vet appointment Wednesday..
#rising park
I waited till the sky was right.. the orange band n city lights below.. n a bit of flash.. I take multiple pics and pick one.
#rising park
If you were here on 6/5 and I took your pic :)
When Kookie finds victims brave enough to pet her, it tickles me :)
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